Tuesday, January 26, 2010

About Mexican Food

Mexican is one of the most diverse Kitchens in the World. Every region in the country has its own history and uniqueness.

Mexico with its entire culinary heritage (Azteca, Maya, Olmeca, Zapoteco etc...) its colors and all the diversities of the Spaniards, French and Lebanese influences made a unique culinary result.

The French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once proposed: "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are"

Consulado General de México writes that "the richness of our cuisine flows from our concern for the sensory experience of eating, for we know that the taste, smell, and look of food can enrich an inspire the spirit." Indeed, "cuisine is culture", and an understanding of Mexican cuisine, identity and history go hand in hand.

Given this varied culinary history it is not surprising that contemporary Mexican cuisine is tasty and diverse. Many of the traditional ingredients, such as beans, chocolate, corn, squash, tomatoes, chocolate, avocado, vanilla, spices, and of course, chili peppers, are still popular throughout Mexico. Yet dishes do vary from region to region.


  1. I am guessing that you are not really blogging anymore? My family took your cooking class in April 2010, thoroughly enjoyed it, and bought the cookbook. I just saw that you wrote in it your blogsite, so came to check it out! Hope you decide to start posting! Shirley Harmon (aka Beanball)
